
The conference is organised into six main scientific sessions. Each contains talks from members of the UK exoplanet community, as well as a talk from an invited international speaker.

Venue: The main conference sessions will take place in Newman Blue Lecture Theatre within the Peter Chalk Centre.

Schedule: The science programme is now available as a PDF by clicking the button below. Note that the conference will start on Wednesday 30th March at 10am, with the first scientific talk starting at 10:30am. The conference should end on Friday 1st April at 5pm.

Last Updated: 24th March 2016 @ 11:30

Main Science Sessions

Isabelle Baraffe - Introduction

I. Detection and statistics

II. Atmosphere characterisation (observations)

III. Modelling (atmosphere, interior structure/evolution)

IV. Planet hosting stars (asteroseismology, stellar activity)

V. Planet formation

VI. Future instruments and perspective